Thursday, June 7, 2012

Designer Babies OnDemand!!!!

That is really what this sounds like doesn't it? I spoke with a friend of mine, who is a father of six children and when I asked his thoughts on the subject, his answer was quite stern. The first point he mentioned was " How will the child feel when they learn their parents did not want them for who they were originally?" The second point he brought up was, for one of his younger children the doctors told him the child will born with down-sysndrome. The doctors advised him and his wife to get an abortion. They didn't follow advice and went ahead with their pregnancy and gave birth to their son Ben. So he then asked me, "how does Ben look to you?" and obviously this child is fine. I realize thats not in all cases, but this father is one of sincere faith. In the video I noticed at the end they said they are studying God's creation and learning about it. I don't know how I feel just yet on the subject. If something can be done to help someone, you do it, but in this case, how can the created become greater than the Creator? Which is essentially what we are doing here. I did have a running thought of the time of Hitler, where he wanted to create a perfect race, correlation? I do believe we have been given the gift of using our minds to discover, learn, and evolve as a society. I think we are not far from this being a true everyday reality, but I do wonder about this causing more harm than good. What do you think?.., pretty good for an introvert!

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