Thursday, June 7, 2012

Abraham Maslow......a brief word on Self-Actualization

I think self-actualization is probably the back-bone of our country in some ways. We have a way of life where we are more able to pursue our dreams and goals than in any other place in the world. There is also the down-side where we also have a system in place that allows people to just let the system take care of them. Therefore they take life being as good as it gets and settle for the way things are. Self-actualization is based on the individual, how can one say that someone is self-actualized? We can sure make our judgements but I believe self-actualization is a personal view of one self. We could not foster it in per say, only for the question of, what then of freewill? Could a hard working custodian not be self-actualized?, to me no, but to himself he may be happy and content with his work. If the United States had a standard of how we should live and self-actualize, they would have to spend more time overhauling the disability system. They would also have to have more research and care in our mental health units and hospitals. If we had a standard to meet, that could cause people to deal with more emotional issues, if they cannot measure up. For me I like Maslow the best, he puts things in a real perspective as far as the hierarchy of needs. It is simple and logical. I believe self-actualization comes in the moment. If you are successful in that new composition, a writing, or just helping someone carry their groceries inside, does this not count? I believe that one can achieve self-actualization by using genuine kindness and compassion on a daily basis in everything they do. Those I believe are keys to the top of the ole pyramid of Maslow.

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